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Health IPCEI - PIIEC Santé

The Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) Health aims, in a post-coronavirus crisis context, to contribute to the strengthening of production capacities in the health field and to promote the competitiveness of European health industries.

Publié le : 31 jan 2025

Creation of IPCEI Health

Following the Covid-19 crisis, the European Union launched several initiatives to strengthen the health sector, including developing new treatments for rare diseases, combating cancer, and preparing Europe for future emerging health crises.

In 2022, sixteen Member States expressed their desire to promote the competitiveness of the healthcare industry and improve the well-being of European citizens through a joint manifesto. With this declaration, these Member States committed to advancing their efforts toward the deployment of the first Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) dedicated to health, thereby stimulating breakthrough innovations in this strategic sector. 

Authorization of Med4Cure IPCEI

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, the first Important Project of Common European Interest ("IPCEI"). It supports research, breakthrough innovation, and the first industrial deployment of pharmaceutical products. The Med4Cure IPCEI will contribute to achieving the European Union's health objectives by delivering innovations to combat diseases for which there are currently no satisfactory means of prevention or treatment and enabling the EU to be better prepared for emerging health threats.

6 member states

Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia and Spain

14 lead projects

by 13 companies including 9 SMEs

€1 billion

in subsidies authorized by the Commission for these individual projects

€5.9 billion

in investments

Source: European Commission

The Med4Cure IPCEI General Assembly is organized annually, with the participation of the European Commission, the Member States, and the companies involved. It provides an opportunity to review the progress of industrial projects, effective collaborations between participants, and dissemination commitments within the European ecosystem.

The annual Health IPCEI conference, also held once a year and gathering the various waves of the Health IPCEI, including Med4Cure, aims to showcase the progress of the IPCEI and its contributions to breakthrough health innovations within the European Union.

The objectives of Med4Cure

The Med4Cure IPCEI aims to advance the medical field and the healthcare industry within the European Union. This includes discovering new drugs, particularly those addressing rare diseases, and innovating pharmaceutical production methods.

To achieve this, Med4Cure supports research and development initiatives at every stage of the pharmaceutical value chain: from the collection and study of cells, tissues, and samples to the development of sustainable production technologies (to create innovative therapies and/or personalized treatments) and the accompanying advanced digital technologies.

The IPCEI is expected to conclude in 2036 (timelines may vary depending on individual projects and companies). According to the participating Member States, this project will create approximately 6,000 jobs.

Presentation of Med4Cure projects

  • BioTalentum (Hungary)
  • Fagoterapia (Italy)
  • Holostem (Italy)
  • Nurex (Italy)
  • Sanofi France (France)
  • The Drug Cell (France)

  • Biomedical Engineering (Slovakia)
  • BioTalentum (Hungary)
  • Fagoterapia (Italy)
  • Holostem (Italy)
  • NUREX (Italy)
  • Sanofi France (France) 
  • Sylentis (Spain)
  • Takis (Italy)
  • The Drug Cell (France) 

  • Biomedical Engineering (Slovakia)
  • BioTalentum (Hungary)
  • EUROAPI (France) 
  • Fagoterapia (Italy)
  • Holostem (Italy)
  • Nurex (Italy)
  • OncoRNA (Belgium)
  • Sanofi France (France)
  • Sanofi Italy (Italy)
  • Sensible Biotechnologies (Slovakia)
  • Sylentis (Spain)
  • Takis (Italy)
  • The Drug Cell (France)

  • Biomedical Engineering (Slovakia)
  • BioTalentum (Hungary)
  • EUROAPI (France) 
  • Gedeon Richter (Hungary)
  • Holostem (Italy)
  • Nurex (Italy)
  • OncoRNA (Belgium)
  • Sanofi France (France) 
  • Sanofi Italy (Italy)
  • Sensible Biotechnologies (Slovakia)
  • Sylentis (Spain) 
  • Takis (Italy)
  • The Drug Cell (France)

Projects led by Direct Participants

"Direct participants" refers to structuring projects led by a company, providing breakthrough innovation and creating a ripple effect within their sector. These projects must contribute to the objectives set by the Member States and the European Commission within the framework of the Health IPCEI.

Direct participants engage in significant mutual collaborations and commit to widely disseminating the results of their work through cross-border and cross-sector commitments within the European ecosystem. This includes scientific publications, events, spillover of intellectual property, and various partnerships with a wide range of European stakeholders, including universities and SMEs.

14 projects led by Direct participants as part of Med4Cure:

  • OncoRNA (SME) - Belgium
  • The DrugCell (SME) - France 
  • Euroapi France (LE) - France 
  • Sanofi (LE) - France 
  • Biotalentum (SME) - Hungary 
  • Richter (LE) - Hungary
  • HOLOSTEM (LE) - Italy
  • NUREX (SME) - Italy
  • SANOFI (LE) - Italy
  • TAKIS (SME) - Italy
  • Biomedical Engineering (SME) - Slovakia
  • SENSIBLE BIO (SME) - Slovakia 
  • SYLENTIS (LE) – Spain

Projects carried out by Associated partners

Associated partners contribute to Med4Cure with their own projects and receive public funding under a national or regional aid scheme or an EU fund. As part of their contributions, they engage in effective collaborations with Direct participants in the IPCEI, undertake dissemination activities, and are represented in the governance of the IPCEI.

11 projects led by Associated partners as part of Med4Cure:

  • Theranum (LE) - Belgium 
  • Laboratorio Reig Jofre (LE) - Spain
  • MEDICHEM (LE) - Spain
  • Minoryx Therapeutics (SME) - Spain
  • Oryzon Genomics (SME) - Spain
  • Offichem (LE) - Netherlands
  • Symeres (LE) - Netherlands 
  • NecstGen (LE) - Netherlands
  • SHINE Europe B.V. (LE) - Netherlands
  • Ryvu (SME) - Netherlands

Involvement of Indirect partners

Indirect partners are companies or research laboratories that provide critical technological components for the success of projects led by direct or Associated partners. These Indirect partners are essential to the IPCEI as they contribute to achieving European objectives and help maximize the economic benefits of the sector within the EU.

These partners benefit from some of the work conducted by the direct and Associated partners. Indirect partners' projects may also receive public funding under standard aid frameworks.

As part of the Health IPCEI, more than 175 Indirect partners have been selected by the Direct participants to contribute to their individual projects and to the technological building blocks essential for their success. In France, aligned with the France 2030 plan, special attention has been given to emerging players (start-ups and SMEs) when co-financing Indirect partners.

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